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  • PTO's "Dine to Donate" at Texas Roadhouse

  • Kindergarten Meet and Greet

    Kindergarten Meet and Greet

  • Camp Invention

    Camp Invention

  • Girls on the run

    Girls on the Run is returning to St. Peter! This program is open to any girl in grades 3-5. Girls on the Run does not require girls to run; girls learn about the importance of caring for their bodies and social/ emotional health skills. The mission of Girls on the Run is to inspire girls to be joyful, confident, and healthy. Girls are welcome to jog, walk, skip, jump, gallop, etc during the exercise portion of our practice. Practices begin the week of February 10th and will take place on Mondays and Thursdays from 3:15 - 4:45. Our season will conclude with a celebratory 5K on Saturday, May 3rd. Please email Mrs. Ropp if you have any questions. Link to register: