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We have a School Library that is open for all the grades to visit.  The library has a small reference section for encyclopedias, World and United States atlas, dictionaries, and sets of books which are for library use only. We have a section of picture books, fiction books including those beginning chapter books, a large non-fiction section, biographies, saints, and holiday books. 

When classes visit, they are able to check out books to read during the week.  The students are responsible for the books and return them the following week.  Students in K and 1st grade also get to enjoy a story read to them during their visit. 

Each year the library celebrates a special reading activity. During the month of March, we celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birthday by encouraging our families to join in month-long activities such as the “Read Across America Celebration”.

The library also has a “Birthday Book Club.” Members can join by donating a new book to the library in honor of their birthday. When a student donates a book for their birthday, with their permission, their picture is taken with their donation and then their picture is displayed on the “Birthday Book Club” wall in the library and then later placed in a library scrapbook. This is a wonderful way to add new books to the library collection and connect the children to the books.

The library also provides instruction in library usage, i.e. how to use the automated catalog system, understanding the Dewey Decimal system, and how to use the reference section.

The library and its resources are maintained by library aides and parent volunteers.

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